Monday, April 23, 2018

Day 15

Today began with a forecast of 50% scattered thunderstorms. We suited up with rain pants and rain covers over our backpacks. After 2 hrs with only a few drop the rain pants came off. Backpack covers stayed on for good measure.  Sun came out in mid afternoon so we needed sun screen.
Start of the day.
We covered 18 mi today. We pushed it for the last couple days because we want to arrive tomorrow in the next big city of León.
Beautiful old bridge

The area between Burgos and Leon is known as the meseta - a large flat arid plain. If not irrigated it’s almost desert-like. Where it is irrigated the fields are green with low growing crops.  Looks like grass. The guidebooks say this stretch is the most psychologically challenging because there is nothing on the horizon for reference.  The last 8 mi were pretty tough.  We saw no buildings, no church steeples, nothing.  Our distance measured by time and a distance app said we should be close. Still nothing.  Finally we went around a bend, dropped down from the Mesa, and were right on top of the small town of Reliegos. Pleasant sight.

Landscape without irrigation.
We checked in to the municipal albergue for 5 euros, showered, did laundry in buckets and hung it to dry.  No WiFi.  Went to dinner in the one open cafe. Had salad, chicken sandwich and drinks.  No WiFi.  Stopped by the only open bar in town - the Elvis Bar (bartender had newspaper articles calling him The Elvis of the Camino).  No WiFi.
Having experienced everything the town had to offer, we were in bed at 6 pm.  Our room had 20 beds.  We only had 1 roommate.  A guy from South Korea on the other one of the room.
Home for the night.

We did meet a wonderful older couple from South Africa.  He was 71, she 72.  This is their 8th Camino.  This one they started from Madrid.

New countries we met people from since last posting: Holland, Switzerland, South Africa.

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