Monday, April 16, 2018

Day 9

Yesterday we crossed from the Rioja region to the region of Castile and Leon.  This is the large open area of central northern Spain. It will take 400 km to cross.  Most of it is on a large, tree-less open plain. Today’s travel, however, included passing over some mountains in a wooded timber area.

We made good progress, covering about 19 miles.  The morning began with light rain, but after a couple hrs it dried up.  The path was good crushed limestone. Only a little mud to deal with.

Today we officially completed 1/3 of our journey to Santiago de Compostela.  The area is pretty remote, mostly not very interesting.  The number of pilgrims traveling seems to have thinned. We might only spot one or two every hour or so.  There are about 20 staying at the hostel here with us in San Juan de Ortega.  We ate dinner with one young woman from Austin who has a break from studying in Barcelona, a young woman from New Zealand whose work project just finished, and Simon from Northern Ireland who is figuring out a career change.

Tomorrow we will reach our next large city of Burgos.  Might have to seek out a laundry, as washing clothes in the sink doesn’t seem to get the smell out, and we’ve been at it for awhile now.

New countries to the list of people we have met - New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Hungary (not much communicating there), Chech Republic.

In front of pilgrim statue in monastery.

Stork nests on the steeple in Belorado.
Mural showing site of first market authorized the the King in Viloria de Rioja.
Neat old buildings in Belorado.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you two are having an enjoyable pilgrimage. It's fun reading about the cities, historic buildings, restaurants and the interesting people you're meeting! Crossing my fingers for no more rain for you two and a continued safe journey!, Bonnie :)
